I undertake comissions for essays, book chapters, reports and other forms of collaboration as an academic expert. Please do not hesitate to contact me for this purpose.
My first article in El País apperead in early 2011. Since 2015 my texts have appeared more regularly in its Opinion pages as well as in supplements Ideas and Babelia. In 2019, during the Spanish legislative election campaign, I contributed an almost daily column to the national news section.
In parallel, I have contributed to El Correo and the Spanish edition of the Huffington Post. Since Spring 2018 I also write for Argentinian daily Clarín, and occasionally for Swedish Dagens Nyheter.
I have been interviewed both in Spanishspeaking press and radio, and also TV. I also provide informative interviews to journalists from different media and news agencies.
All my articles are eventually published on my blog, but you may find an updated record of articles in El País here: https://elpais.com/autor/olivia-munoz-rojas/
For a full record of articles in Clarín, please see:
Articles in Dagens Nyheter:
‘Det gula har blivit det nya röda i protestens estetik’, Dagens Nyheter, 12/02/2020.
Articles in El Huffington Post:
‘Conciliar o reventar’, entrevista a Yolanda Herrero Mor, 14/10/2020.
‘Iluminados’, 05/12/2019.
‘¿Hay que estar orgulloso de una tesis doctoral?’, 15/09/2018.
‘Leyendo el conflicto catalán: desde la historia y por el diálogo’, 06/10/2017.
‘El mundo nos observa: el conflicto catalán visto desde el exterior’, 22/09/2017.
‘Macron y la generación X’, 05/06/2017.
‘Azul presidenciable’, 05/05/2017.
‘Fiestas nacionales, ¿un anacronismo?’, 16/10/2016.
‘Moda que incomoda’, 21/04/2016.
‘La (no) opinión de las mujeres’, El Huffington Post, 08/03/2016.
‘¿Hijos? ¡No, gracias!’, 17/02/2016.
‘Las ruinas del futuro’, 03/02/2016.
Articles in El Correo:
‘Imagen y sensibilidad’, El Correo, 25/10/2015.
‘¿Europa a la defensiva?’, El Correo, 12/09/2015.
‘¿Una camiseta al precio de tres?’, El Correo, 09/08/2015.
‘Todo queda perdonado’, El Correo, 22/01/2015.
Selected interviews and media participation:
Guest speaker on education and integration in France in radio programme Continentes y contenidos, Pressenza International Press Agency, 28/10/2023.
Guest speaker in news flash on syndemics, Telediario de Fin de Semana, Televisión Española, ‘Expertos apuntan a que con el coronavirus nos enfrentamos a una sindemia’, 02/01/2021.
Guest speaker in Voces RCN, RCN (Colombia), ‘¿Por qué algunos científicos hablan de sindemia y no de pandemia?’, 30/10/2020.
Guest speaker in La Ventana with Carles Francino, Cadena Ser, ‘¿Por qué los gobiernos no confían en los ciudadanos?’, 09/04/2020.
Guest speaker in La Controversia, on the concept of ‘generation’, produced by José María Patiño, Cadena Ser, 08/2017.
Guest speaker in Ser Iguales with Antonio Cárdenes Alonso, ‘feminismo vs. machismo’, Cadena Ser Canarias, 27/04/2017.
Interview in Diario Sur by José V. Astorga, ‘Es necesario reivindicar la maternidad y hacer visibles a los hijos en el espacio público’, 9 April 2017.
Guest speaker in La Ciudad Secreta 34 with Dani Cabezas, ‘Lo que nunca te contaron del amor’, Darwinians Radio Bike, 15/02/2017.
Guest speaker in El Público with Jesús Vigorra, on political aesthetics, Canal Sur Radio, 02/03 2016.
Interview in El Faro de Vigo by Isabel Bugallal, ‘Olivia Muñoz-Rojas: Podemos hubiera sido incluido en los acuerdos de la Transición’, 29/01/2016.
Guest speaker in A vivir que son dos días with Javier del Pino, on the aesthetics of Spanish ‘new politics’, Cadena Ser, 23/01/2016.
Guest speaker in Hágase la Luz, on Bilbao’s bridges during the Spanish Civil War, Radio Euskadi, 04/09/2011.
Guest speaker in Más Que Palabras, debate on the 2011 London riots, Radio Euskadi, 14/08/2011.